Kansas Association for Youth

KAY Club officers 2023-2024
President - Kaiya Hullaby
VP - Ashlyn Long
Secretary - Samantha Klotz
Treasurer - Katti Hale
Board members:
Senior - Aly Schuetz
Junior - Trulee Jim
Sophomore - Madison Blackwood
Freshman - Dasno Mills
The KAY program empowers Kansas students with lifetime leadership skills and an attitude of service to others.
Membership in KAY is available to all students attending a KSHSAA member school.
Participation in KAY builds character, promotes good citizenship and improves life skills.
Participation in KAY allows students to develop lifetime leadership skills.
KAY provides students the opportunity to develop a positive attitude of service for others.
KAY provides a supervised opportunity for students to grow in character, leadership and selfless service.
KAY focuses on service to a student's school, their community, nation and world.
Participation in KAY contributes to school spirit and pride.
KAY promotes positive school and community relations.
Participation in school activities like KAY is a privilege.
Participation in KAY promotes academic achievement and enriches each student's educational experience.
Service to others benefits both the receiver and the giver.
All KAY sponsors should be knowledgeable and properly trained.
Attendance at KAY Leadership Camp, Regional and Unit Conferences provide a tremendous networking opportunity for both student members and sponsors.
KAY Club meeting dates are as follows:
Aug. 31
Sept. 14
Oct. 5
Nov. 2
Dec. 7
Jan. 11
Feb. 1
Mar. 7
Apr. 4
May 2