Panthers fall to Nemaha Central in the championship of the Marysville volleyball tournament and take 2nd. Great job, ladies!
over 3 years ago, RV337
Panther volleyball bests Washington Co in 3 to take 1st in their pool!
over 3 years ago, RV337
RV volleyball beat Sabetha in 2 At Marysville
over 3 years ago, RV337
Varsity volleyball beat Riley Co. in 2 and Concordia in 2 at Marysville so far today!
over 3 years ago, RV337
RVMS volleyball players are ready to start their season!
over 3 years ago, RV337
RVMS volleyball
RVMS football scrimmaged today for their fans
over 3 years ago, RV337
RVMS football
Panthers are starting off their season vs. Santa Fe Trail at the Holton jamboree.
over 3 years ago, RV337
Yellow Ribbon Club Suicide Training, Tuesday, Sept 14th at 1:30pm at RVHS. Students who would like to attend, please complete this google form:
over 3 years ago, RV337
Yellow Ribbon Club
RV food service served up a staff & student favorite today! We are proud to say that our homemade rolls are made using local flour from Hudson Cream Flour & our milk comes locally from Hiland Dairy. #fuelingkskids #farmtoschool
over 3 years ago, RV337
lunch tray
Congratulations to Josh Klobnak on his acceptance to Butler Community College! #ACCEPTED #ApplyKS
over 3 years ago, Ashley Wick
Congratulations to Samantha Neuner on her acceptance to Northwest Missouri State University! #ACCEPTED #ApplyKS
over 3 years ago, Ashley Wick
Sophomores & Juniors: Sign up with Mrs. Wick to take the Accuplacer test if you are interested in attending Washburn Tech!
over 3 years ago, RV337
Washburn Accuplacer Test
Students in Mrs. Baxter's math class are learning to be money savvy!
over 3 years ago, RV337
math students
counting money
counting money
2nd graders are working on their social skills notebooks
over 3 years ago, RV337
social responsibilities notebook
social skills notebook
Kindergarten students learned about throwing fox tails in PE yesterday. They had a relay race with fox tails and hula hoops
over 3 years ago, RV337
throwing foxtails in PE
Throwing foxtails in PE
Throwing foxtails in PE
Route 1 (Kellie) is running 15 minutes late today
over 3 years ago, RV337
3rd graders are coding Star Wars in the RVES Computer Lab today! #MakerSpace #STEM
over 3 years ago, RV337
Coding Star Wars
Coding Star Wars
Thank you, Advisors Excel, for the wonderful donation to RVMS! We appreciate you!!
over 3 years ago, RV337
Advisors Excel donations
The FFA Parliamentary Law team is about to compete for the right to go to the National FFA conference!
over 3 years ago, RV337
FFA Par Law
Little Panther Preschool is off to a great start!
over 3 years ago, RV337
Little Panther Preschool