6th graders visited the pollinators garden today at RVHS. They drilled holes for a bee house, added to the compost pile and used QR codes to find out information about the flowers
almost 4 years ago, RV337
6th graders building bee houses
using QR codes to find out about flowers
adding water to composte pile
using QR codes to find out about flowers
HS Big 7 League Track/Field meet will be selling Big 7 League shirts for $15 from the same company that was at the MS meet last night. This is the logo.
almost 4 years ago, RV337
Big 7 League Track shirt logo
It's Shark Week! Students in Mr. Smith's zoology class are dissecting sharks today.
almost 4 years ago, RV337
dissecting a shark
dissecting a shark
dissecting a shark
dissecting a shark
Perry-Lecompton will live stream HS League Track. They will start it in time for the prelims and run it until the end of the meet. Running events only https://youtu.be/FnXtCeaAugo
almost 4 years ago, RV337
RV logo
The 5th grade tech classes are using real world skills by following instructions from their Chromebooks to create coasters and small clutch bags from recycled plastic bags.
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Hainey
Proud moments
Weaving coasters
Attention RVMS parents and students! Don't forget to order your yearbook for the 2020-2021 school year! It is a year you will not want to forget so, order your wonderful resource of memories. You can customize two pages in the book for your student. Order soon!
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Hainey
Congratulations to Mrs. Triplett on being named the RVES staff member of the month for April! We are thankful for all the commitment she puts in toward the success of our students!
almost 4 years ago, RV337
Mrs. Triplett
The RV 20-21 Virtual Art Show is officially open! Click the link to vote for your favorite pieces! Voting ends May 14th. https://sites.google.com/rv337.org/rvartshow/home
almost 4 years ago, RV337
RV logo
11-1 Panthers win the second one in 6 innings over ACCHS
almost 4 years ago, RV337
Baseball wins Game 1 over ACCHS 11-10 on a walk-off HR by Klotz.
almost 4 years ago, RV337
What a great way to end a Friday with the High School Drumline playing for us!
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Hainey
Fresh air
Rock on
Mr. Higley's class fish fry was SO yummy!
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Hainey
Friday fish fry
RVMS band students: Mark your calendars!
almost 4 years ago, RV337
Band camp flier
Beekeeper Anthony Dahl treated some first graders to a lesson on bees today. They tasted honey, smelled the smoker and saw Anthony in his beekeeper suit.
almost 4 years ago, RV337
Beekeeper Anthony
eating honey
Today we celebrate School Lunch Hero Day! Please take a moment to recognize & thank the food service professionals for all of their hard work and dedication to feeding our students and staff this year!
almost 4 years ago, RV337
Allison Gier
Today we celebrate School Lunch Hero Day! Please take a moment to recognize & thank the food service professionals for all of their hard work and dedication to feeding our students and staff this year!
almost 4 years ago, RV337
Joan Pahmahmie
The 5th grade students are recycling bags into fun projects in the tech lab today. They can make a cup coaster, plant coaster, small handbag or a placemat.
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Hainey
Cutting bags
weaving bags
weaving bags
Our RVMS Lunch Hero's are truly amazing. These three have had to work so hard this year cooking, packaging and passing out meals to all of our students everyday! Thank you Paula, Debbie and Sandy for everything.
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Hainey
RVMS Cooks
Today we celebrate School Lunch Hero Day! Please take a moment to recognize & thank the food service professionals for all of their hard work and dedication to feeding our students and staff this year!
almost 4 years ago, RV337
Donna Doherty
Today we celebrate School Lunch Hero Day! Please take a moment to recognize & thank the food service professionals for all of their hard work and dedication to feeding our students and staff this year!
almost 4 years ago, RV337
Debbie Albright