KAY members worked on raking the rock on the nature trail today. The dedication of the trail will be May 1. Check it out as the weather gets warmer! It's south of the RVHS football field. @Kansas_KAY
almost 4 years ago, RV337
raking the trail
hauling off brush
raking the trail
Thanks, Bruce and Mike, for your help today on the KAY Walking Trail! @Kansas_KAY
almost 4 years ago, RV337
The environmental science composting bin is almost ready! Students will begin filling it with food and scrap paper next week!
almost 4 years ago, RV337
composting bin
Prairie Band Health Center will vaccinate 16 and 17 year olds for COVID-19 if they have a parent/guardian with them. They can schedule this appointment by calling 966-8200.
almost 4 years ago, RV337
Covid clinic info
RVHS Fishing Club tournament Saturday, April 24 is open to family and community members! 10:30 am to 3 pm. Prizes to top 3 teams for Bass, Crappie & Catfish. Food and drinks provided. Sponsors are greatly appreciated. Email swanks@rv337.org or Phone (785) 986-6251
almost 4 years ago, RV337
Fishing Club logo
RV JCYC members worked with Holton and Jackson Heights to create the family agreement form: avoiding alcohol and drugs. Students & parents who sign this form are entered to win a gift card. Please return these forms to your seminar teachers by Friday, April 9.
almost 4 years ago, RV337
JCYC family agreement
In game 2, varsity baseball beat Wamego 10-8
almost 4 years ago, RV337
Varsity softball lost Game 2 at Wamego 2-12
almost 4 years ago, RV337
RV logo
RV varsity baseball drops Game 1 to Wamego in 7 innings 1-8.
almost 4 years ago, RV337
RV logo
Varsity softball lost to Wamego 1-12 in game 1. Mackenzie Schmidt hit a home run for RV.
almost 4 years ago, RV337
RV logo
Royal Valley will be hosting a 50th Anniversary Celebration on May 1st & 2nd. There will be information posted each week highlighting activities planned for the weekend. Hope to see you all there!
almost 4 years ago, RV337
RV 50th Anniversary logo
Julie Scott from AB Creative came to speak to the CAD and robotics class about designing a new outside space for the middle school.
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Hainey
Design idea
Emporia MS will allow 2 guests per participant at their March 31 middle school track meet. More information was shared with parents on email.
almost 4 years ago, RV337
Emporia Middle School
Seniors wanting to take college algebra next year need to check their ACT math scores and then potentially sign up for the ASSET test with Mrs. Wick.
almost 4 years ago, RV337
ASSET test info
almost 4 years ago, RV337
Flip the Script Assembly flier
Need help choosing a college? Check with Mrs. Wick about attending this workshop!
almost 4 years ago, RV337
choosing a college
Thank you, @PBPNation, for the awesome tours today at recycling and water treatment! Environmental science classes learned a lot!
almost 4 years ago, RV337
pollution tour
water treatment
Thanks @PBPNation and Mike Boswell for showing our environmental science classes the bison herd today! What a great field trip in our own backyard!
almost 4 years ago, RV337
students riding on a hay trailer
bison getting hay
bison eating
Get 15% off on your Sideline Store purchase of $70 or more for the entire month of April. This will end on 4/30/21 at 11:59 P.M. EST. https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/kansas/hoyt/royal-valley-high-school
almost 4 years ago, RV337
Panther Gear Sale
Levi Parrett, Garrett Hammer and Jack Wiedmann participated in the Virtual Real Men Sing Event hosted by Bethany College. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOECmCfWNpo
almost 4 years ago, RV337
RV logo