The deadline for ordering RVHS softball shirts is Wednesday, March 24. Contact customcreationsholton@gmail.com or 785-364-4774
Cash, Check or Venmo (@CustomCreationsHolton) must accompany your order form. Prices include sales tax. Click on order form below

Horticulture students planted three more boxes of plugs today to get ready for their plant sale in April! Mark your calendars for April 24 and 25 for the annual greenhouse sale at RVHS!

Little Panther Preschool students visited the greenhouse today to plant their own flowers with the help of some RVHS students!

All kinds of learning happening at RVMS today. COVID can’t stop us from learning even when we all wear masks. Students Zoom in to participate in class all day. Teachers work hard at providing continuous learning everyday.

More t-shirt making today in Kansas History classes. Amanda Bacon fro Unique Creations came into the class to share some knowledge about starting a small business.

In PE today student were evaluating their throwing and catching abilities. Officer John Calvert brought a radar gun to see how much heat their throws had! It is a GREAT DAY TO BE A PANTHER! @OfficerJohn326

Anita Evans and JoAnna Mitchel came to the middle school today to see how the students in 8th hour History are doing on their beading projects.

Today Emma sliced a deer heart in medical terminology and followed a guide to label all the parts!

Kansas History student had the opportunity to make their own t-shirts if they completed all 5 bell ringers from last 9 weeks.

RVMS cooks are rocking the Shamrock today! Happy St Patrick’s day.

Emma Deghand draws and labels the human heart in one minute during medical terms class! https://youtu.be/QStx_5SaXmM

The sixth grade students are learning to play their dulcimer’s.

Congrats to Josslyn Coulter who made cheer and dance at Hutchinson Community College for next year!

Ronin is building a robotic arm in Mrs. Hainey’s Learning Elective today.

RV loses the quarter-final State game to Rock Creek 43-53

Miscues are proving costly as RC goes back up by 10 with :56.9 left

RV has cut into the lead, trailing 43-48 with 2:20 to go in regulation

End of 3Q, Royal Valley trails Rock Creek 33-45

RV trails RV 30-40 with 4:16 left in 3Q

At the half, RV boys trail Rock Creek 24-32