Phones are working again

Hoyt site has no electricity or phone service currently

State FFA officers Bailey Sipy (Secretary) & Elizabeth Sturgy (President) presented to Mrs. Clark's classes today. They also watched students plant flowers in the greenhouse. #KansasFFA

Anyone coming to the sub-state basketball games this week MUST HAVE A VOUCHER in order to buy a ticket. Admission price is $7 for adults.

It's sub-state week! The RVHS girls basketball team has their signed shirts ready!

RV Rec Association sign up for summer baseball and softball will be Sunday, February 28 from 3-5 pm in the RVES Gym. If you can't make that date, a second option is Sunday, March 7, from 3-5 pm in the RVES Gym.

Maya finishes in 6th at the State Wrestling meet. Congratulations on an outstanding career, Maya! #oneRV

Maya Ogden will be wrestling for 5th place after losing to Darnell of Baldwin

Maya loses match two, 10-14.

20% off on your Sideline Store purchase of $80 or more in March! The below promotion is good for the entire month of March. This will end on 3/31/21 at 11:59 P.M. EST.

Emma Deghand cuts the connective tissue away from the pig intestines in Mr. Smith's medical terminology class

Maya wins match one 8-3! #oneRV #GoMaya

Maya Ogden lined up for the opening ceremony at the girls division II state championship wrestling tournament.

Congratulations to Colin Everts on his acceptance to Washburn University! #ACCEPTED #ApplyKS

RVMS Scholars' Bowl Monday, March 1, at Sabetha will have a concession stand available. RV will compete against Riverside, Sabetha & JW at 4 pm.

The 7th grade PE classes are doing some team building and trust exercises today. The students have to guide a blindfolded student through the course by verbal instructions.

RVHS FCCLA students are hosting a babysitting clinic this afternoon for any middle school student who wants to learn how to be an efficient, safe babysitter.

RVHS Dance Team tryouts will be March 21.

RVHS Students: Mark your calendars for April 21 to get some great tips on choosing a college!

3A substate brackets are published. RV girls will host Marysville at 7 pm Monday, March 1. RV boys will host Oskaloosa at 7 pm on Tuesday, March 2. The semi-finals and finals will be played at Sabetha HS March 4-6