RV girls lose at Sabetha 33-44

JV boys lost to Sabetha 38-46

Scores from RVMS basketball last night in Seneca: 8A lost 17-41, 7A lost 15-52 and B team lost 23-33

RVHS students in Mr. Smith's and Mrs. Swank's science classes today watched "Perseverance" land on Mars and immediately begin transmitting pictures back to Earth.

Here are the links for Friday's basketball games: Varsity Gym Link: http://www.citylinktv.com/channel/sabetha-knza/
JV Gym: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCViwdeZkLSm09qosDWFcDg

Thank you, Fairview Farms Meat Company, for the cow hearts and lungs! The students are dissecting them in Mr. Smith's anatomy and physiology class today!

Several great things happening in the RVMS lunchroom today. STUCO has a nutrition bar available for students to purchase some healthy snack. They are also handing out Valentine cookies today.

The 8th grade students are preparing for high school today with Mrs. Wick. They are walking through the enrollment process discovering what their options are next year.

RVMS games today:

Thank you, ThinkFastInteractive, for talking to our students today!

RVHS students will get to experience Think Fast on Wednesday!

USD 337 Board of Education has postponed their meeting for tonight. We will announce the new date as soon as we can get it scheduled

Due to potential power outages and extreme cold Tuesday, February 16, USD 337 will take a snow day. No in-person or remote classes on Tuesday.

Washburn Tech is closed for in-person classes on Tuesday, February. 16

The $125 fee for Driver's Ed is due 2/24 to the RVHS office. The Driver's Ed parent meeting will be on zoom on 2/24 at 7pm. Please email Mrs. Wick w/ questions.

RVHS JCYC members encourage all drivers to not text and drive! #RVHSSAFE
This poster was created by JCYC member, Abigail Everts.

Spring is just around the corner. Do you need some Panther Gear? https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/kansas/hoyt/royal-valley-high-school

Washburn tech is closed for in person classes Monday, February 15

RVES students are celebrating Kindness Week! Remember to wear your exercise clothes on Monday!

7-8 basketball vs Perry Lecompton Monday has been postponed. No make-up date has been set yet