Congratulations to Isaac Hale on his acceptance to Oklahoma Christian University! #ACCEPTED #ApplyKS

Panther Classic girls final: RV 54 and Santa Fe Trail 45. Wakiyan Wi Irving with 18 and Mahpiya Irving 16 to lead the Panthers. Stone had 25 for the Chargers.

RV band Oblivious performing at halftime. Garrett Hammer, Parker McClane, Maddy Lasley, Signal Douglas. Great job!!

Panther Classic at the half, RV girls lead Santa Fe Trail 30-22

Panther Classic boys final: Chapman 49 and Wabaunsee 23

At the half in the Panther Classic, Chapman boys lead Wabaunsee 26-6.

Panther Classic girls final: Wabaunsee 32 and Chapman 34

At the half in the Panther Classic, Wabaunsee girls lead Chapman 12-18

MS boys basketball today: Here is the link to the USD 343 media site for 7th grade (PLMS Gym), and the 8th grade(PLHS Gym). It will go live 15 minutes before game time.

We will not live stream the Spelling B on Saturday due to concerns around comprising the integrity of the word list. We wouldn’t want to jeopardize other competitions. Good luck, RV Spellers! #oneRV

Panther Classic basketball tournament begins tonight. Wabaunsee & Chapman girls play at 3:30 followed by boys at 5. RV girls play Santa Fe Trail at approx. 6:30. There will be no RV boys game due to Covid. All games streamed on YouTube (RV337 channel)

RVMS PYO meeting tonight has been canceled.

Parents: Here is information on free help for those dealing with remote learners at home!

Don't forget Lions Quest tonight at 6 pm! Our counselors will share great resources with the RVMS community!

Sophomores & Juniors: Remember to sign up for the ACT Prep https://powerprepinc.com/act-test-prep/p/royal-valley-high-school-act-prep-class

RVMS 8th graders: We look forward to seeing you next week at Freshmen Orientation!

Reminder about signing up for meals!

RV wrestling lost to Rossville 18-54

RV varsity wrestlers lost to Sabetha 18-63. Kyle Riley, Chase Emery and Levi Parrett had pins for RV

RVHS boys will not play Santa Fe Trail Thursday in the Panther Classic due to Covid issues.