Congratulations to Isaac Hale on his acceptance to Oklahoma Christian University! #ACCEPTED #ApplyKS
about 4 years ago, Ashley Wick
Panther Classic girls final: RV 54 and Santa Fe Trail 45. Wakiyan Wi Irving with 18 and Mahpiya Irving 16 to lead the Panthers. Stone had 25 for the Chargers.
about 4 years ago, RV337
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RV band Oblivious performing at halftime. Garrett Hammer, Parker McClane, Maddy Lasley, Signal Douglas. Great job!!
about 4 years ago, RV337
Panther Classic at the half, RV girls lead Santa Fe Trail 30-22
about 4 years ago, RV337
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Panther Classic boys final: Chapman 49 and Wabaunsee 23
about 4 years ago, RV337
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At the half in the Panther Classic, Chapman boys lead Wabaunsee 26-6.
about 4 years ago, RV337
Panther Classic girls final: Wabaunsee 32 and Chapman 34
about 4 years ago, RV337
At the half in the Panther Classic, Wabaunsee girls lead Chapman 12-18
about 4 years ago, RV337
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MS boys basketball today: Here is the link to the USD 343 media site for 7th grade (PLMS Gym), and the 8th grade(PLHS Gym). It will go live 15 minutes before game time.
about 4 years ago, RV337
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We will not live stream the Spelling B on Saturday due to concerns around comprising the integrity of the word list. We wouldn’t want to jeopardize other competitions. Good luck, RV Spellers! #oneRV
about 4 years ago, RV337
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Panther Classic basketball tournament begins tonight. Wabaunsee & Chapman girls play at 3:30 followed by boys at 5. RV girls play Santa Fe Trail at approx. 6:30. There will be no RV boys game due to Covid. All games streamed on YouTube (RV337 channel)
about 4 years ago, RV337
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RVMS PYO meeting tonight has been canceled.
about 4 years ago, RV337
Parents: Here is information on free help for those dealing with remote learners at home!
about 4 years ago, RV337
PAX Tools flier
Don't forget Lions Quest tonight at 6 pm! Our counselors will share great resources with the RVMS community!
about 4 years ago, RV337
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Sophomores & Juniors: Remember to sign up for the ACT Prep
about 4 years ago, RV337
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RVMS 8th graders: We look forward to seeing you next week at Freshmen Orientation!
about 4 years ago, RV337
Freshman Orientation reminder
Reminder about signing up for meals!
about 4 years ago, RV337
meals for remote learners
RV wrestling lost to Rossville 18-54
about 4 years ago, RV337
RV varsity wrestlers lost to Sabetha 18-63. Kyle Riley, Chase Emery and Levi Parrett had pins for RV
about 4 years ago, RV337
Ruben wrestling Sabetha
RVHS boys will not play Santa Fe Trail Thursday in the Panther Classic due to Covid issues.
about 4 years ago, RV337
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