C boys basketball lost to Sabetha 29-35
about 4 years ago, RV337
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At the half, RV C boys trail Sabetha 8-20
about 4 years ago, RV337
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2B Digital media class worked on problem solving by creating aluminum boats to hold as many pennies as possible. Then they tried a second time to improve their design to hold more weight. They discussed what it takes to work successfully as a team.
about 4 years ago, RV337
Pennies in boats
Shyree and Samantha
Students with boats
3B photo imaging students creating their pinhole camera to study how light travels in a straight path through the pinhole opening in the cylinder.
about 4 years ago, RV337
Students with Pringle’s cans
Students at computers
The photo imaging class made Pringle’s pinhole cameras today and found a way for our remote students to test the outcome. It worked!
about 4 years ago, RV337
Holding camera to computer
Holding camera to computer
There will be no RVHS girls games vs Sabetha Friday (tomorrow) due to Covid protocols. The games will be made up later.
about 4 years ago, RV337
Middle school students are enjoying the opportunity to learn beading via Zoom today. Anita Evans and JoAnna Mitchell from Prairie Band.
about 4 years ago, Brenda Hainey
So much concentration.
Learning beading.
Congratulations to Cindy Dahl for being named RVES Staff Member of the Month! We are so grateful for all the work she does! She keeps things running smoothly at our school! #oneRV
about 4 years ago, RV337
Cindy Dahl
Please make sure all RVMS students and parents are aware of this!
about 4 years ago, RV337
RVMS schedule change
Parents: Please note the time change starting Tuesday!
about 4 years ago, RV337
RVMS dismissal times
about 4 years ago, RV337
Panther Gear Sale
Didn't get your Panther gear for Christmas? Check out the sale here: https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/kansas/hoyt/royal-valley-high-school
about 4 years ago, RV337
Sale flier
RV boys beat Holton 50-44
about 4 years ago, RV337
Score sheet
At the half, RV boys lead Holton 24-20. Mulroy leads the Wildcats with 12 and Klotz leads the Panthers with 11.
about 4 years ago, RV337
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RV JV boys beat Holton 43-38
about 4 years ago, RV337
At the half, Holton JV boys lead RV 24-18
about 4 years ago, RV337
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RV C-boys beat Holton in double OT 32-31
about 4 years ago, RV337
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At the half, RV C boys lead Holton 17-16.
about 4 years ago, RV337
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Holton girls will not be playing RV tonight due to Covid. The C-boys will start at 4:30 in the RVHS gym followed by JV boys followed by Varsity boys. @holtonrecorder
about 4 years ago, RV337
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Tune in at halftime of the JV boys game for an interview with Coach Boucher! We will be interviewing Coach Brown at halftime of the varsity girls game!
about 4 years ago, RV337