RVES Parents: When in-person school begins for your student...
West downstairs doors for parent drop off will be open from 7:45-8:00 AM
Classes start at 8:05 AM
Breakfast served 7:45-8:10 AM
RVMS Parents:
Parents: RVES will do device pickup at RVES from 8:00am-6:00pm Monday and Tuesday.
RVES staff is ready to go!
It’s not impossible! One-day turnaround for staff to go from face-to-face learning plans to remote and hybrid!
RVHS staff went into high gear today getting all students’ Chromebooks, textbooks and other supplies ready for pick up on Monday!
RVHS Parents: You may pick up devices at the high school beginning Monday, August 24 from 7:30 am to 6 pm.
RVMS parents: Here is the device pick-up information
Reminder: all Royal Valley middle school and high school sports practices are suspended until at least August 31st.
There are lots of changes to the paper calendar that is arriving to your mailbox over the next few days. Please follow our online calendar at the bottom of the front page at www.rv337.com
All Panther Football players check your email for an update from Coach Lott. Anybody interested in playing football or didn't get an email from Coach please contact him
Parents: If you are not receiving text messages, please text "yes" to 67587. If that still doesn't help, ask you cell provider to allow short SMS codes.
RVES teachers recreated their senior pictures for the staff challenge today! https://youtu.be/lFoXiKnFj4k
RVHS teachers recreated their senior pictures today, which is a great opportunity for Mrs. Switzky to remind everyone to order their 20-21 yearbook ($35 in August, $40 in September) AND to remind seniors to submit Sr. photos by November 30! https://youtu.be/96XBJ5znesI
RVHS students--check out this video from Mrs. Wick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hppq4aneaxE&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR2eJLt45i_0XtBCM2yt9bm4Uw_t-_6PGEXOKs8_jAt21a5LMp8vR_BTTj8
RVES staff members are walking through the beginning-of-the-day procedures to get ready for Monday!
Reminder to parents that you received a meal survey in your email yesterday. Please fill it out ASAP!
RVHS students: See Mrs. Wick for schedule changes ASAP!
Kudos to the USD 337 Board of Education members who are calling all teachers checking in on them and expressing their appreciation! Thanks for all you do! #oneRV
Winner board for the teacher challenge--RVES is closing the gap on RVHS