Join us on Thursday!
Do you, or someone you know in USD 337 district, have a child who will be 5 by Aug. 31, 2020?
Mark your calendar for Tuesday!
How good are you at trivia? Test your skills against #oneRV on Thursday!
A member of the Panther Family left some important messages for our food service staff, and we totally agree that they are the best!!
Need to talk to someone? #oneRV
Go Mrs. Wick!! We are proud of you! #oneRV #RVFamily #PantherProud
Get your order in today!!
Friday Furry Friend Day! Post pictures of your furry friend today for RV Virtual Spirit Week!
Seniors - Please let Mrs. Wick know what you would like to do with your classes by TODAY, if you haven't already done so. You will need parent / guardian approval to drop any classes from your schedule. They can email
Today is Throwback Thursday for RV Virtual Spirit Week - post a picture of when you were younger! And if you haven’t yet, check out the padlet page It is filled with a lot of goodies from your #RVFamily.
Need to talk to someone? Need help with something? Two #RVheroes are here to help!
Which came first the chicken or the egg? Mrs. Hundley keeping food service fun on April Fools Day! #RVHeroes
USD 337 Kindergarten Roundup has been postponed. We will let you know a make-up date as soon as we have one scheduled.
Today is Funny Picture Wednesday! Post a silly selfie, a picture that makes you laugh, a picture of people laughing, a school appropriate meme. Check it out here:
Hey everyone, don’t forget to participate in Virtual Spirit Week! Tuesday is Memory Day - So post a picture of one of your favorite memories from school!
Welcome back! To kick off our first week of Continuous Learning, RVHS StuCo invites you to participate in a Virtual Spirit Week. Participate each day by posting the “theme” to your Instagram story or the Padlet link! #onerv
Monday’s Padlet link:
Per Governor's order, RV community can't gather to watch school board meeting. Follow their live feed Monday at 7:30 pm on 337 Royal Valley Board Meetings
RVES Art to Remember orders are scheduled to be shipped in mid April. We will let you know when they arrive and will make arrangements for pick up
Mrs. Bienhoff is creating online read alouds with text and images for students during continuous learning!