RVMS 7th grade basketball falls to Silver Lake 31-45

8th grade lost to Silver Lake 7-51

RV 7th grade beat Shawnee Heights 27-24

RV varsity boys beat Mission Valley 68. 42

Varsity girls beat Mission Valley 50. 35

Jv boys beat Mission Valley 36 35

JV girls beat Mission Valley in 2 quarters 24 16

Last night at ACCHS:
Kaiden Swain won by Fall
Matt Tracy lost by Fall
Kyle Riley lost by fall
Maya Ogen won By Forfiet
Chase Emery lost by fall
Jackson King lost by fall
Ruben T. won by fall
Ashton Wood won by fall

Thank you to the We-Ta-Se Department on the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation for their donation of a flag to the elementary school. It is greatly appreciated and a great sight to see upon entering the school!

RVES staff & students will show off their Chiefs pride next week!

RVMS 7-8 graders will have the opportunity to purchase snacks starting next week

RVMS will be participating in Chiefs Spirit Week next week! Superbowl bound!

With limited matches last night vs ACCHS, Ruben Tinajero and Ashton Wood pinned their opponents!

Chiefs Spirit Week next week at RVHS:

Here are the links for the live stream tonight at Mission Valley:
Old Gym: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPeEYpehVkJ6_wszDghvzsg/
New Gym: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpFy2KS3S2XVOnY9fYnYJgQ

Last night's RVMS scores vs Jeff West:
7A- 22-50 L
8A- 17-49 L
B- 18-36 L

Thank you, Neale Sutton, for the RV masks! #oneRV

FFA members competed in 1st Virtual NE District Public Speaking Leadership Development Event. Tyson Parks 7th in freshman div, Erica Schnacker 5th & Cheyenne Hittle 6th in sophomore div & Karlie Albright 1st in junior div. Congrats!

Mr. Smith's science class started a fundraiser to show appreciation to first responders. You can donate or write notes! #oneRV