RVMS basketball parents: Live stream for 8th grade basketball tonight at Jeff West:

Thanks to all of the students who pledged to wear their seatbelts! Here are the pledge cards winners. #RVHSSAFE

Mr. Hesed will live stream Freshman Orientation tonight starting at 7 pm on RV337 YouTube channel

Royal Valley Teachers are Working Hard!
Thank you for your dedication!

RV community: Changes begin next week

All students interested in trying out for RVMS or RVHS cheer next year can sign up in the office of that school.

Varsity girls final: RV beat Holton 57-38. Mahpiya Irving had 23 and Bryan 15 for the Panthers. Holton was led by Patch with 12 and Tanking with 10

RVMS B loses to Sabetha 20-22

At the half, RV girls lead Holton 33-21. Tanking leads the Wildcats with 6. Mahpiya Irving leads RV with 14.

JV girls final: RV 27 Holton 35

RVMS 8th grade loses to Sabetha 21-47

RVMS 7th grade wins 31-25 against Sabetha!

C girls beat Holton 32-27

Mr. Moore will be interviewing Coach Boucher at halftime of the JV girls game on our YouTube channel. Search for RV337 on YouTube and watch the games tonight!

4th graders are practicing for their Famous Kansans Wax Museum on Thursday. Parents will be sent the links to the virtual event.

USD 337 WILL be in school today (Tuesday)!

Menu for tomorrow will be coffee cake for breakfast and chicken drumstick for lunch (Monday's menu moved to Tuesday) The rest of the week will be the same as posted.

USD 337 is closed today (Monday) due to weather. No Washburn Tech transportation.

Waking up with that tournament championship! Way to go, Lady Panthers! #oneRV

Panther Classic boys final: RV boys beat Chapman 56-50. Klotz led all scores with 27. Championship game between RV and Santa Fe Trail will be played on Feb. 8.